What are the four main types of pest control?

Different Types of Pest Control MethodsOrganic Pest Control. The chemical method involves the use of chemical treatments to deter any type of pest. Chemical treatments are often one of the most popular types of control due to their effectiveness. Chemical pest control, particularly space fumigation, tends to work best for severe infestations.

People who lack chemical, biological and electronic means to control a pest population will often rely on physical methods. Physical pest control uses natural barriers such as nets or plastic sheets to protect crops. However, macropests are pests that are relatively larger and their physical presence can be easily detected even before their activity on a farm, a good example is rodents and sometimes humans. Considering the size of these pests, there are different types of pest control methods that can be used to curb their threat.

One of the most commonly used pest control products includes biological pest control. This is the use of an agent that controls and manages the population of predators and parasites around your home to prevent them from growing. For example, nematodes can be introduced into the soil around your home to remove termites from the surrounding area. These biological methods of pest control are capable of eliminating a pest without causing any serious harm to the environment.

Another type of pest control product to use is poisoned bait. It is a common method that eliminates populations of rats, termites, ants and many other pests. The poisoned bait attracts the invading pest to ingest the substance, thus killing its numbers. However, this can have a negative effect, since many pests can realize that this food source is poisoned and will begin to avoid it altogether.

It is generally recommended to combine poisoned baits with other methods. Traps are commonly used as one of the main types of pest control products. Rat traps and live traps are used for much larger pests, such as mice, rodents, raccoons or possums. Some traps kill on contact, while others keep the animal alive, allowing you to get it off your property in a more humane way.

In agriculture, pests are kept at bay by cultural, chemical and biological means. Plowing and soil cultivation before planting mitigate the pest burden and there is a modern trend to limit the use of pesticides as much as possible. This can be achieved by monitoring the crop, applying insecticides only when necessary, and growing varieties and crops that are resistant to pests. Whenever possible, biological means are used that stimulate the natural enemies of pests and introduce suitable predators or parasites.

Forest pests present a major problem because it is not easy to access the canopy and monitor pest populations. This was the first very successful case of controlling an extraterrestrial plague by introducing its natural enemies from a foreign country, a technique that is now known as classical biological control. If basic household hygiene is ignored, the effects of other types of pest control will be incredibly ephemeral, as pests will return soon and in greater numbers. There are two key uses of this form of pest control; it aims to keep pests under control so that crops are not destroyed by them, and secondly, to reduce or prevent infestation so that it continues to reappear.

This tactic is most often used by gardeners who seek to control a pest population without the use of chemicals. They are much stronger than other pesticides because of the caution rodents show when they encounter a suspicious food source. Pest control obviously needs to be done during the mornings or evenings for a late afternoon spraying, as it should not overload a growing plant in that period of time. Pest control is at least as old as agriculture, as there has always been a need to keep crops pest-free.

Specific management strategies will vary from crop to crop, location to location, and year to year, depending on changes in pest populations and their natural controls. When progressive farmers use fertilizers to grow improved crop varieties, they are often more susceptible to pest damage, but indiscriminate application of pesticides can be detrimental in the long run. Each method can resolve pest infestations with varying degrees of effectiveness, depending on the scale of the infestation, as well as the type of pest. There are 4 main methods of pest control in agriculture; these control methods are classified with respect to pest size.

Classic biological control involves the introduction of natural enemies of the pest that are bred in the laboratory and released into the environment. Barriers include window screens to keep healthy and annoying pests out of buildings and plant pests out of greenhouses, floating row covers for many horticultural crops, and plant collars to prevent cutworms from attacking plants such as tomatoes. The advantage of the pest control method with fogging is that it is considered environmentally friendly, it is odorless and does not leave any difficult to clean residues. Cultural methods of pest control involve the use of various methodologies or techniques aimed at providing an unfavorable condition for pests.

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Kelly Pontonio
Kelly Pontonio

Devoted tv expert. General bacon ninja. Unapologetic twitter lover. Certified music trailblazer. Friendly writer.

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