What are the disadvantages of using chemical pest and disease control?

Another disadvantage of chemical pesticides is resistance. Pesticides are usually effective only for a (short) period in a particular organism. Organisms can become immune to a substance, so they no longer have an effect. These organisms mutate and become resistant.

Excessive use of chemical pest control promotes the evolution of pesticide resistance. When pesticides are applied, people who are more resistant are more likely to survive. If their resistance to the chemical has a genetic basis, they will in turn pass these genes to their progeny so that the population becomes more resistant over time. In other words, chemical pest control acts as a type of artificial selection for pesticide resistance.

According to Essential Environment, in 2000 there were more than 2,700 known cases of resistance of 540 pest species to more than 300 pesticides, including the diamond-backed moth and the green peach aphid, which are agricultural pests. On the other hand, the disadvantages of widespread use of pesticides are significant. They include pollution and death of domestic animals, loss of natural pest antagonists, resistance to pesticides, decrease in honey bees and pollination, losses to adjacent crops, losses of fisheries and birds, and pollution of groundwater. Soil fertility is affected by death or damage to microorganisms caused by pesticides.

In addition, some pesticides induce immunotoxicity in humans, which can lead to immunosuppression, hypersensitivity (allergies), autoimmune diseases and inflammation; children may be especially susceptible to the adverse effects of exposure to pesticides. People who regularly work with pesticides, such as farmers, have a higher risk of cancer. Thousands of non-lethal poisonings and cases of cancer each year are attributable to pesticides. Another disadvantage of chemical pest control is non-target effects and toxicity.

Many chemicals kill even beneficial insects such as bees and natural predators. If misused or mishandled, chemicals can poison and even kill humans. The toxicity of a pesticide is a measure of its ability or ability to cause injury or illness. The toxicity of a particular pesticide is determined by subjecting test animals to varying doses of the active ingredient (a, i).

The active ingredient is the chemical component of the pesticide product that controls the pest. By understanding the difference in toxicity levels of pesticides, a user can minimize the potential hazard by selecting the pesticide with the lowest toxicity that the pest controls. Chemical tactics to control pests can include many types of compounds. Some simply repel or confuse pests.

Some interfere in some way with weed photosynthesis, insect molting processes or development. Others, including some botanical insecticides and most conventional insecticides, are widely toxic to living systems. The term pesticide literally means pest killer. The specific type of dead organism is revealed in the name; that is,.

Insecticides kill insects, herbicides kill plants, fungicides kill fungi, rodenticides kill rodents, etc. While many of these products are sold to the general public, others can only be sold to professional farmers and pesticide applicators who have received training and testing to become certified and licensed to use these products safely. Chronic toxicity of a pesticide is determined by subjecting test animals to prolonged exposure to the active ingredient. It has been banned in several countries for decades, except for very specialized use, but it is a very persistent pesticide.

In addition to directly killing non-target plants, exposure to pesticides can cause sublethal effects on plants. Plants can also suffer indirect consequences from the application of pesticides when soil microorganisms and beneficial insects are damaged. Some people react to the strong odor and irritating effects of petroleum distillates used as carriers in pesticide products. The key to reducing health risks when using pesticides is to always limit their exposure by using PPE and using a low-toxic pesticide when available.

The term pesticide covers a wide range of compounds including insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, molluscicides, nematicides, plant growth regulators, and others. Powdered chemical pesticides are very unsuitable for outdoor application, since they are very easily spread by wind and penetrate the human body through the respiratory system. I need The reason why biological control is better than chemical control in pest and parasite control. There has been a steady growth in the production of technical-grade pesticides in India, from 5,000 metric tons in 1958 to 102,240 metric tons in 1998. In addition to killing insects or weeds, pesticides can be toxic to a host of other organisms, including birds, fish, beneficial insects, and non-target plants.

So, would you choose a soap or an organophosphate to control aphids on your houseplants? Lists of common household chemicals and their chemical categories are included in the reference materials. The overall cost-benefit picture of pesticide use differs considerably between developed and developing countries. If you must go to the hospital or doctor's office, take the entire container of the pesticide with you, including the label. An increase in acetylcholine causes uncontrolled flow of nerve transmissions between nerve cells.

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Kelly Pontonio
Kelly Pontonio

Devoted tv expert. General bacon ninja. Unapologetic twitter lover. Certified music trailblazer. Friendly writer.

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